Sunday, April 6, 2014


  走着走着, 眼泪就不经意地从眼角落下, 不知情的同事以为是离别不舍的眼泪, 我也只是对他们微笑。。。晚餐的五皮粥,放再多的胡椒也没了滋味。

 那一夜,我哭得肝肠寸断,湿着的脸就这样被风干然后又湿去,反反复复,就只知道我们回不了过去,明天会更好吗?我是一直这么的问着自己。今天可是 ‘妇女节’。

  早晨醒来,同样的太阳,呼吸着同样的空气, 感觉上就是没了平时的温暖,呼进的空气快让我毙命, 所有的一切一切都不再一样。

  不知什么时候,变得不爱听情歌,晚餐时得吃上一小时,泪也就这样不停地流。 深夜里坐在离家不远的公园, 拿着一罐罐啤酒,多么希望酒醒后我们能回到当初。我想我快崩溃了,你过得还好吗?

  不知什么时候, 自己喜欢上西餐, 还是要有你最爱的炸鸡. 一个人走在街上, 身旁感觉空荡荡的, 看着一对对的情侣经过, 心里更是心酸。

  忍着忍着, 结果还是忍不住地问候了你,可听到的再也不是我很想你。。


  过去已成为回忆,惦记在心里永不毁灭,把更好的自己留给未来更爱我的他,我也祝福你。 :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What Happens?

What happens when love fades?
What happens when conversations always lead to breakouts?
What happens when one understands each other no more?
What happens when you know one is faking happiness?
What happens when money is all you need?

What happens when fixings no longer help?
What happens when you realize things are being held on due to responsibilities?
What happens when you are the cause of all these?

I would rather feel unloved if responsibilities are what left to be discussed in daily life.  =(

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Proud to be a Type B

 I'm a Type B.

Type B might look cheerful, enthusiastic and bright.
But, they are actually not like their appearances.
Indeed, they are antisocial with many people.
They are rugged individualists who are straight forward and like to do things in their own way.
Unluckily, their insistence on being independent can sometimes go too far and become a weakness.

Stay Strong

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts.
Some walk all over you,
use and abandon you like trash,
And we are never, ever the same.

It takes a lot of understanding, time and trust to gain a close friendship with someone.
Mistakes, we all make them.
And if we are lucky,
an eraser will do the trick,
and rub it across the page,
wipe away the dust,
and all that's left of our careless mess is a hardly noticeable smudge.

But some mistakes can't be erased,
some are just meant to leave traces,
words can shatter a soul,
envy can lead to disastrous role in life.

When shadows beam,
misery remains,
I won't leave nor escape,
I will choose to endure this pain,
For that i shall be stronger than i used to be.

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.    
 -Mother Teresa-

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Me I Used to Be?

Don't be fooled by me.
Don't be fooled by the face I wear.
For I wear a mask, a thousand masks,
masks that I'm afraid to take off,
and none of them is me.

Pretending is an art that's second nature to me,
but don't be fooled.
For God's sake don't be fooled.
I give you the impression that I'm secure,
that confidence is my name and coolness is my game,
and i need no one.

But don't believe me.
My surface may seem fine but it's my mask,
ever-varying and ever-concealing.
Beneath lies no complacence.
Beneath lies confusion and fear and loneliness.

I panic at the thought of getting hurt,
that's why i frantically create a mask to hide behind,
to help me pretend,
to shield me from the glance that knows.

But such glace is precisely my salvation.
That is, if it's followed by acceptance and love.
It's the only thing that can liberate me from myself,
from my own self-built prison walls,
from the barriers I so painstakingly erect.
It's the only thing that will assure me,
of what I can't assure myself,
that I'm really worth something.

I don't like to hide,
I want to be genuine and spontaneous and me,
for you've got to hold out your hand,
even when that's the last thing I seem to want.
Only you can wipe away from my eyes,
the bland stare of the breathing dead.
Only you can call me to aliveness.

Each time you are kind and gentle and encouraging,
each time you try to understand because you really care,
my heart begins to grow with wings,
with your power to touch me into feeling,
you can breathe life into me.
I want you to know that.

Who am I, you may wonder.
I am someone you know very well.

Thank you my friends for u have 'completed' me XD

 extracted from the original version of 'Please Hear what I am Not Saying' by Charlie.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why so Serious?!

I'm such a loser.
I can't believe i said that.
Why can't i be like him?
I can't do anything right.
Everyone else has it so much easier than i do.
What is wrong with me, anyway?

Does any of this sound familiar to u??
We give ourselves such hard time, We're much harder on ourselves than we are on others.
When our friends make mistakes, big or small, we offer comfort and support. But rarely do we show ourselves the same understanding.

It's easy to think your mistakes are bigger or dumber than anyone else's. When a friend tries to reassure you by saying he or she has made a similar mistake, you might automatically assume yours is worse.
It's always important to think about your actions and examine the way you treat others. You want to be mindful of how you perform your everyday tasks and responsibilities. and you don't want to be going around hurting people.

Giving yourself a break simply means not punishing yourself again and again for the same mistakes. When you obsess over something you did that you now regret or when you hate yourself for a problem you have, you make it that much harder to heal and move on. When you choose to take action, as opposed to just feeling guilty, you'll feel a lot happier.



Monday, July 16, 2012

Even if it hurts

Wings spread out
Exhibiting a wide splendour of whiteness
The swan sang a beautiful melody
that all creatures danced to it
and the forest swayed to it.

The swan flapped
and glided across the lake
across the forest
flowers blossomed at every touch
curtains of dew billowed at every sight.

I saw the bridge by the path
hidden for seek but clear for sight
As i slowly made my way to the bridge
over the bridge i went across
it's a world of yours, a beautiful one.

I walked near you
stood silently by your side
no words are spoken
we embarked on this little journey of ours
with my hands held tightly by yours
and a smile that craved on your face.

I retreated silently
for i know that they are superficial
as i see the questions in your eyes
and i finally understood
for that i would love you
even if it hurts.